I would like to inform the Dear Interested Parties that the Gúth-Keled Tourism and Nature Conservation Public Benefit Association The grant application submitted within the framework of the scheme entitled “Socially and environmentally sustainable tourism development” code number TOP-1.2.1-15 received a non-refundable subsidy of HUF 486,420,000, with an aid intensity of 100%. The Hajdú-Bihar County Directorate of the Hungarian State Treasury, acting as the supporting authority of the Managing Authority of the Regional Development Operational Programs of the Ministry of National Economy and the Association, entered into the Grant Agreement and entered into force.
The aim of the project is to create an attraction that can be well adapted to the existing supply that can meet the demand trends and to have a service infrastructure that ensures sustainable development in terms of both profitability and environment, thus promoting the tourism market of the city and the region. strengthening its position. The success of the development to be implemented by the consortium led by the Gúth-Keled Tourism and Nature Conservation Public Benefit Association is greatly contributed by the growing attractiveness of the city of Nyíradony and the region and the commitment of the city management to tourism development. As a result of the project, they can expect increasing guest traffic, an increase in the number of domestic and foreign guests, a reduction in seasonality, and an improvement in the share of demanding customers with a higher willingness to spend.
The primary target group for the development is families aged 30-40, groups of friends aged 20-30 and women and men aged 40-50. In addition to the entire population of the settlement, micro-region and region, the secondary target group of the development is foreign passengers passing through the ever-developing Debrecen Airport, who can extend their stay with cultural leisure programs and guests from neighboring countries.