A projekt

Project description

The Gúth-Keled Tourism and Conservation Public Benefit Association formed a partnership with the local government of the Municipality of Nagykároly to realize between the period of 1 April 2018 and 31 March 2020 the “Joint protection of the border region natural values in the vicinity of Nagykároly and Nyíradony” project, as financed by the INTERREG V-A Romania – Hungary Programme. The total costs of the project are EUR 665,714 of which the contribution of the European Union (ERFA) is EUR 565,856.90.

Main objective of the project

the preservation and protection of nature parks and national parks, the safeguarding of natural values, organising events and awareness-raising campaigns on the protection of natural heritage and establishing a thematic trail in the vicinity of Nagykároly and Nyíradony.

The workshop hosted last Thursday at the Gencsy Manor in Nyíradony focused on the realization of the project and achieving its goals. The event was opened by the welcoming words of Member of Parliament László Tasó, Director of the Hortobágy National Park Dr. Zita Kovács as well as President of the Gúth-Keled Tourism and Conservation Public Benefit Association Éva Czirják. These were followed by lectures from professional experts, László Papp, Director of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Science’s Botanical Garden, István Gyarmathy, Hortobágy National Park Directorate nature conservation specialist, Károly Karácsonyi expert, Sebastian Egli, representative of the local government of the Municipality of Nagykároly and Lajos Szabó tourism expert, nature conservation ecologist.

A conservation development will be established within the framework of the project in the Southeast Nyírség (Nagykárolyi-homokhát) and South Nyírség (Ligetalja) areas, which is primarily aimed at reinforcing the stock of the highly protected plant species, the Hungarian leafless iris (Iris aphylla hungarica).

The development will allow for reinforcing the stock of the Hungarian leafless iris and other endemic plants in the Fényi Forest and the outskirts of Mezőfény within NATURA 2000 status natural areas. For the sake of the protection of these precious habitats, the presentation of the species will not take place within the sites of the development, but rather along a thematic bike trail, at its two ends and intermediate stations. As part of the development, a garden of endemic plants will be established next to the Gencsy Kúria in Nyíradony-Szakolykert.

As part of the project, a number of events will be organised in order to establish a tradition, which includes events hosted at the end points and bicycle tours running along the route. Beyond reinforcing the stock, the project also involves significantly raising the awareness of the population. Raising awareness of familiarizing and preserving local, regional natural values is of key importance as well as reinforcing the demand for and dedication to lifestyles shaped according to general environmental and nature conservation considerations.

The realization of the project will continue with the autumn installation of plants and by marking out the thematic path running between the two settlements.

The joint objective of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme is financing Romanian-Hungarian projects which require a shared approach and innovative solutions, thus servicing needs arising on both sides of the border and contributing to the sustainable development of the authorized area. The Programme will continue the border region cooperation with a total budget of approximately EUR 232 million, of which 189 million consists of non-refundable subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund. The border regions to receive support include the following counties: Arad, Bihor, Satu Mare, and Timiș Counties on the Romanian side and Békés, Hajdú-Bihar, Csongrád and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Counties on the Hungarian side.